Christmas Day Menu

    • Christmas Day Starters

    • Gamberoni in pancetta

      King prawns wrapped in pancetta, served with red cabbage, drizzled with balsamic glaze

    • Prosciutto e fichi

      Parma ham with fresh figs, mascarpone cheese and black pepper mousse

    • Capesante

      Pan fried scallops with vanilla and lime sauce, served with baby spinach and pine nuts

    • Asparagi al forno

      Baked fresh asparagus with mozzarella, fresh tomato and oregano

    • Zuppa di zucca

      Homemade butternut squash and sweet potato soup with focaccia croutons

    • Christmas Day Main Courses

    • Tacchino di Natale

      Roast turkey with all trimmings, served with roasted potatoes and seasonal vegetables

    • Filetto in crosta

      Scotch fillet steak topped with mushrooms, pate' crust on a sliced baked potato, spinach and Chianti sauce

    • Aragosta gratinata

      Fresh whole lobster with onions, English mustard, brandy, cream gratin, served with lobster salad and minted new potatoes

    • Risotto porcini

      Arborio rice with porcini mushrooms and Parmesan crisps

    • Christmas Day Desserts

    • Christmas pudding

      Served with custard and brandy sauce

    • Panna cotta

      Soft rich vanilla cream with butterscotch sauce

    • Profitterols

      Soft choux pastry filled with Chantilly cream covered in chocolate cream

    • Tiramisu

      Layers of savoiardi biscuits soaked in coffee and baileys, with creamy mascarpone
